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What is the RAIN Strategy for Anxiety? [2023]

Condensation and fresh raindrops against the window of our car during a trip to get donuts in Portland, Oregon.

Are you tired of feeling overwhelmed by anxiety? Do you want to find a strategy that can help you navigate through difficult emotions and cultivate a sense of calm? Look no further, because we have just the solution for you – the RAIN strategy for anxiety. In this article, we will explain what the RAIN strategy is and how you can use it to manage your anxiety effectively. So let's jump right in and discover the power of RAIN!

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. What is the RAIN Technique?
  3. Using the RAIN Method for Difficult Emotions
  4. The RAIN Analogy for Mindfulness
  5. FAQ
  6. Quick Tips and Facts
  7. Useful Links
  8. References


Anxiety can be a challenging emotion to navigate. It often feels overwhelming and can impact various aspects of our lives. That's where the RAIN strategy comes in. Developed by Tara Brach, a well-known meditation teacher and psychologist, the RAIN strategy is a mindfulness-based approach that helps individuals skillfully work with difficult emotions, including anxiety.

What is the RAIN Technique?

We were driving home from the office. It was a long day. The rain was pouring, the road was so busy and crowded I had to cover my eyes with the viewfinder. Then suddenly the noisy and distracting trip became something else. Something that made calm and peaceful. I arrived home.

The RAIN technique is an acronym that stands for Recognize, Allow, Investigate, and Nurture. This four-step process provides a framework for working with difficult emotions and thoughts, allowing us to cultivate mindfulness and compassion towards ourselves.

Here's a breakdown of each step:

  1. Recognize: The first step is to recognize and acknowledge the presence of anxiety or any other difficult emotion without judgment. Simply notice the emotion and observe how it feels in your body and mind. This step is about developing an awareness of what is present.

  2. Allow: Once you recognize the emotion, allow it to be there without trying to change or suppress it. Practice accepting the emotion with an open and non-resisting attitude. It's important to remember that it's natural to experience a range of emotions, including anxiety. Allowing the emotion to be present is an act of self-compassion.

  3. Investigate: After acknowledging and allowing the emotion, take a moment to investigate and explore it more deeply. Ask yourself questions like: What triggered this feeling? What thoughts or beliefs are associated with the anxiety? By investigating the emotion, you can gain insights into its underlying causes and patterns.

  4. Nurture: The final step is to nurture and hold space for the difficult emotion with kindness and compassion. Offer yourself self-care, whether it's through gentle self-talk, deep breathing exercises, or engaging in activities that bring you comfort and soothe your anxiety.

By practicing the RAIN technique, you can develop a more compassionate and mindful relationship with your anxiety. Rather than trying to push it away or suppress it, you learn to acknowledge and be present with it, allowing it to naturally dissolve over time.

Using the RAIN Method for Difficult Emotions

The RAIN method is a versatile approach that can be applied to various difficult emotions, including anxiety. It's important to note that this technique is not about getting rid of the emotion or magically making it disappear. Instead, it's about cultivating a sense of presence and compassion towards ourselves in the face of challenging emotions.

Here's how you can use the RAIN method specifically for anxiety:

  1. Recognize: Begin by recognizing and acknowledging the presence of anxiety. Name it in your mind, saying something like "This is anxiety" or "I am feeling anxious right now." By bringing awareness to the experience, you create a space for mindfulness and self-reflection.

  2. Allow: Once you recognize the anxiety, allow it to be present without judgment. Resist the urge to label it as good or bad, right or wrong. Instead, practice accepting it as a natural part of being human. Remind yourself that it's okay to feel anxious, and there's nothing to fix or change in this moment.

  3. Investigate: Take a curious and compassionate stance towards your anxiety. Explore the physical sensations, thoughts, and beliefs associated with it. What are the specific triggers or situations that tend to evoke anxiety within you? By investigating the anxiety, you can gain valuable insights into its underlying causes and patterns.

  4. Nurture: Finally, nurture yourself with kindness and self-care. Treat yourself with the same level of compassion and understanding you would offer to a close friend. Engage in activities that bring you joy, relaxation, and a sense of grounding. Practice deep breathing exercises, meditation, journaling, or any other self-soothing techniques that resonate with you.

Remember that the RAIN method is a practice, and it may take time to feel comfortable and familiar with each step. Be patient with yourself and trust the process. With consistent practice, you can develop a healthier relationship with anxiety and cultivate inner resilience.

The RAIN Analogy for Mindfulness

The RAIN analogy is a way to understand and relate to the RAIN strategy for anxiety. Think of it this way:

  • Recognize: Imagine you are standing outside in the rain. You notice the raindrops falling on your skin, the sound they make as they hit the ground. In the same way, recognize and acknowledge the presence of anxiety. Become aware of it without judgment or resistance.

  • Allow: Instead of running for cover or trying to stop the rain, allow it to fall and touch your skin. Let it be there without trying to change or control it. Similarly, allow the anxiety to be present without trying to push it away or suppress it. Practice acceptance and non-resistance.

  • Investigate: Take a moment to investigate the rain. How does it feel on your skin? What sound does it make? By exploring the rain, you gain a deeper understanding of its nature and qualities. Similarly, investigate the anxiety with curiosity and compassion. Explore its physical sensations, thoughts, and beliefs.

  • Nurture: Finally, imagine yourself holding an umbrella or seeking shelter from the rain. Provide yourself with care and comfort. Similarly, nurture yourself when experiencing anxiety. Offer self-compassion, engage in soothing activities, and practice self-care.

By using the RAIN analogy, you can visualize and embody the steps of the RAIN strategy, making it easier to integrate into your daily life.


What is the RAIN Technique?

The RAIN technique is a mindfulness-based approach developed by Tara Brach. It is an acronym that stands for Recognize, Allow, Investigate, and Nurture. This four-step process helps individuals work with difficult emotions and cultivate mindfulness and compassion.

How do you use the RAIN method for difficult emotions?

To use the RAIN method for difficult emotions, start by recognizing and acknowledging the presence of the emotion without judgment. Then, allow the emotion to be there without trying to change or suppress it. Next, investigate the emotion, exploring its triggers, thoughts, and patterns. Finally, nurture the emotion with kindness and self-care.

What does RAIN mean in anxiety?

In the context of anxiety, RAIN stands for Recognize, Allow, Investigate, and Nurture. It provides a mindfulness-based approach to work with anxiety and cultivate a compassionate relationship with this challenging emotion.

What is the RAIN analogy for mindfulness?

The RAIN analogy for mindfulness is a way to understand the steps of the RAIN strategy by relating them to rain. Recognizing anxiety is like noticing rain falling on your skin, allowing anxiety is like letting the rain touch you without resistance, investigating anxiety is like exploring the nature of rain, and nurturing anxiety is like seeking shelter or holding an umbrella.

Quick Tips and Facts

  • The RAIN strategy can be used for various difficult emotions, not just anxiety.
  • It's essential to approach the RAIN technique with patience and self-compassion.
  • Regular practice of the RAIN method can help build emotional resilience.
  • The RAIN technique can be used in conjunction with other mindfulness practices.
  • Remember that the goal of the RAIN strategy is not to get rid of emotions but to develop a mindful and compassionate relationship with them.


  1. Brach, T. (2013). Radical Acceptance: Embracing Your Life With the Heart of a Buddha. Bantam.
  2. Brach, T. (2021). RAIN: Recognize, Allow, Investigate, Nurture. Retrieved from

*[NPR]: National Public Radio

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